Recent FAQs

What happens to tuition bills in bankruptcy?

Student loans receive special treatment, and are generally not discharged (wiped-out) by a bankruptcy case. But student loans are not the only sort of educational debt. In some cases, the debt is an unpaid tuition bill or other charges owed to a school, college, or university.

What does the Bankruptcy Trustee Do?

When an individual files a chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy case in North Carolina, or anywhere, one of the first things to happen is that a trustee is appointed. This is an important role, and the trustee is broadly tasked with administering the bankruptcy case. What this means in practice depends greatly on bankruptcy chapter.

After filing bankruptcy, what can be done about a sudden new debt?

For most people, filing bankruptcy starts the journey of moving beyond problem debts. However in rare cases, an unexpected debt suddenly arises in the weeks or months after filing bankruptcy. Common examples might be an unanticipated medical expense or liability from an accident.

When does the automatic stay end?

The automatic stay begins immediately upon the filing a of a voluntary bankruptcy case. For the most part, it ends on dismissal, discharge, denial of discharge, or closing of the case.

What does it mean to reopen a Bankruptcy Case?

To answer this question, it is first helpful to describe what it means for a bankruptcy case to be closed or open.

Can I repay a debt after bankruptcy?

Generally yes, a person is free to pay back a debt voluntarily after bankruptcy.

What is Force-Placed Insurance?

Almost all residential mortgages require that the home be insured against causality, with the lender being a beneficiary. Such a requirement is not surprising. A residential mortgage involves lending a sizable amount of money, with the value of the home as collateral providing assurance to the lender of being repaid. Fire and other disaster risks the destruction of the collateral, and a bank would desire insurance for many of the same reasons an owner of a home free-and-clear would.

Who reviews my bankruptcy papers after I file?

One of bankruptcy's unique aspects is that there is a huge cast of characters in bankruptcy, each with a particular role. Different officials and parties review filed bankruptcy papers for different things.

How does changed income affect bankruptcy?

An answer to the question of how changes in income impact bankruptcy first requires some background.


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